Thursday, May 31, 2007

Kai Trai School

Good evening!
Today we visited the Kai Trai School for children. This school provides education for children who are either orphaned or disadvantaged in some other way. The school was established 3 years ago after a group of donors got together after the 1999-2000 floods. THe interesting part is that the land was donated by a wealthy jewlery store owner and most of their funding comes from private donations!! After speaking with the director and staff, we were able to interact with the chidlren. They were amazing!!! We played games and sang sóng with them! The founder of the school had attended the conference last year and stated that due to the workshops, she has introduced some ò the social work aspects in working with behaviorally challenged children! She will be attending our classes next week.
Tổmororow we leave for Chau Doc, we will not be spending the night now because many children are getting out of school and we can not obtain a bus to take us back on Sat. So, it will be a long, but VERY interesging day! The people with the dififerent agencies that we are working with are incredible, such as the NGO's, Pacific Links, Project ADAPT, etc. Luckily I am keeping a journal, because this blog is not doing my experience justice!
Last night, a family òf 4 on their motobike stopped me and my classmate,Wes, on our way back from the internet cafe. They pulled over and wanted their young children to use their english with us! It was AMAZXING! they were so sweet and when I put my hand out to shake their hands, they lit up and talked so much to us. The little boy can count to 10 and the little girl could ask me all sót ò questions. They were pleased when we complimented their English and giggled á we tried a couple of Vietnamese phrases! I have embraced the language barrier and many ò the cultural differences. I have been able to order in a restaurant without a translator, so that is an accomplishment in and of itself!
Well off to a dust cafe to the BEST steak and onions I have ever had!!
Love all!
Peace ~ Ashley

1 comment:

Adam said...

NOTE: The computer Ashley was using for this automatically changed much of her typing to Vietnamese, so please bare with the crazy letters and misspellings. Also, I have spoken with Ashley several times and texted or IM'd her every day. She is having a good time and has so much to share. Thank you all for caring so much and taking interest in this.